term flora refers to the total plant species occurring in an
area. The Hellenic flora comprises approximately
6,000 species and subspecies, of which 1,100
are endemics, i.e. they don’t grow anywhere else. The flora
of Greece is unique in Europe for its richness and its large
analogy of endemic species in relation to its size. For instance,
Germany occupying an area three times the size of Greece, has
2,400 species and 6 endemics, Great Britain with double size
has 2,300 species and 16 endemics and Spain, with four times
the size of Greece, has almost the same number of plant species.
phenomenon is explained by the large diversity of biotopes and
ecosystems, suitable for hosting not only such number of plants,
but also a large number of animals. The combination of Greece’s
geographical position among three continents (Europe, Asia,
Africa), its ideal mediterranean climate, intense relief, lacy
beaches, thousands of islands and rich palaeogeographical history,
has created vital and unique habitats for Europe and the planet.
flora of Parnitha in particular, has been a research object
since late 1800. Most known researchers that dealt with it were
Rechinger, Heldreich, Halacsy, Mattfeld, Orphanidis, Tountas
and Diapoulis. Professor Ch. Diapoulis had recorded in mid-1950’s
c. 800 plant species and subspecies. According to concurrent
studies (Aplada, 2003) the flora of Parnitha comprises c. 1,100
taxa (the term taxa refers to both species and subspecies),
which is the number of taxa of whole Scandinavia! Furthermore,
92 of these 1,100 taxa, are Greek endemics.

In other words, a botanical paradise lies so close to the capital
city of Greece. However, it is in danger by overcollecting from
the visitors of Parnitha. In this website an effort is made
to arise public awareness for this natural treasure, so that
we can protect it and deliver it intact to the next generations.