Several activities are prohibited in the National Park of Parnitha, due to the special protection status of the area. There are no settlements, or industries inside the Park. However, not far from the boundaries of the National Park, there are
the very active Industrial Zones of Acharnai, Kryoneri and Malakasa-Sximatari. The economic activities exercised inside the Park, apart from the Mont Parnes Casino, are of little importance and concern mostly grazing, farming, forestry, apiculture, and recreation.
For all those employed in the National Park of Parnitha, as well as for the visitors, there are rules that everyone has to follow. The following regulations apply to the core of the National Park:
Everyone visiting Parnitha should know that in the core of the National Park:
• To light a fire throughout the year
• To cut trees, twigs and tops, to uproot and collect flowers or other plants and to generally damage vegetation.
• To collect and transport humus.
• To pollute.
• To circulate by any kind of vehicle in the forest roads, where there are obstacles and forbidding signs.
• To use the roads for any kind of tests and races between cars or motorcycles, as well as to develop excessive speed and loud noise in all the roads.
• To hunt and take any animal by any means, throughout the year.
• To carry any kind of weapon, even in a case, axes, saws or other sharp objects.
• To graze.
• To bring dogs, even if they are tied, or other domestic animals and abandon them inside the National Park.
• To spend the night in tents or trailers.
• To place beehives.
• To write signs and advertise (on rocks, trees, etc.).
• To place canteens.
• To destroy signs, fences and generally constructions and materials of public property.
The violators of these regulations are subject to the Hellenic laws: 86/1969, 996/1971 and 998/1979.